I want to start this off by saying I appreciate all of the continued support and patronage the shop receives from everyone. I can't overstate that enough and I know that words fall short describing how much it really does mean to not only me, but the minions too (though they'd never tell you that to your face haha). That being said I would like to see the continued support in the next adventure I'm wanting to take the shop. Having the shop is great and terrible at the same time. You all know this from watching my videos and just talking with me. It constantly hangs on a razors edge and one wrong move either way could send it into the dirt or soaring to the next level. And, as the owner, it's up to me to figure out those decisions for better or worse. That being said, I'm going to be expanding the shop into the digital print world. Just to test the waters. I always wanted more than "just a shop" to begin with and well, this seems like one of the more logical directions to inch towards on that razor's edge. "But print is dead! Nobody reads anything anymore!" I hear you say. Well, Little Johnny, you're wrong. If it wasn't for people reading articles, scouring socials, reaching out to contacts for stories to make and write about, a lot of the video content creators you watch wouldn't have any content to speak of. Lots of them simply pull up articles and "react" to the article and give you their own personal spin. I would like to, eventually, be one of those outlets people pull up and cite or "react" to. Again, for better or worse. There's only one way to find out, right?
This all being said you can start to look forward to articles written by people in your local area to show up on our website in the News Room and Soap Box section of the website. Currently we have writers for Magic: the Gathering, Digimon, Warhammer(Aos/40k), D&D and other TTRPGS, and of course video games along with some Opinion pieces I'm sure that will surface as time goes on. These are the only areas we have covered currently but are looking for other people to cover other TCGs we currently have gaps in such as: Yu-Gi-Oh, Lorcana, Pokemon, One Piece, Union Arena and Elestrals. To help us along our journey with this please remember to share our articles around, like them on the page and leave comments. Engagement is key to success here. Also, please highly consider joining our Patreon to help not only support the shop but to help us along with this budding endeavor. A grass roots level of support by individuals will make this work better than any kind of astroturfing ever would. Again, razor's edge guys. I'm taking a huge risk branching out into this but I hope it's the right decision. With all of your continued support I'm sure we can at least get this thing on its feet. Just keep in mind that this is a work in progress and we are by no means professionals at this. Just a bunch of people with some ambition, passion and desire to create something and see where it goes. Let's see what happens together, shall we?
-Jared McKenzie
Owner/Operator of Decks & Dice LLC (The Best Shithole)