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Meta Mondays: Magnamon X


Hello everyone, and welcome to Meta Mondays, the (not-so) premier bi-weekly Digimon primer series! This week on Meta Mondays, we're going to be covering the Radiance of Miracles, Magnamon X.

While Magnamon as a digimon has been relevant at many points throughout the games lifespan, Magnamon (X Antibody) really only got its big, unaffected grip on the metagame starting with its BT-16 incarnation, with a printing so powerful that it completely warped the metagame around itself. With a [When Digivolving] effect to make itself completely unaffected for a turn, a massive body in the form of +3000 DP, and <Blocker>, this card is an

absolute force to reckon with. Combining this with an [All Turns] ability to trigger its [When Digivolving] when any security card is removed, this card becomes an instant format threat. However, while powerful that is essentially all this deck does. It makes a big, unaffected guy every turn and chips you down. The whole gameplay loop is make Magnamon (X Antibody), make it unaffected, swing, make it unaffected again and just wait. Your opponent will have an extremely hard time getting over it, so why bother doing anything else? Frankly this is all the deck has done since BT-16 and will continue to do until they print a new Magnamon (X Antibody) or Bandai stops printing cards. A sample combo line for this deck looks something like digivolve into Veemon in the back, digivolve into Magnamon, sometimes digivolve into a BT-19 Huankunmon, and digivolve into Magnamon (X Antibody) and start walling.

Frankly, I don't have much more to say on this deck. The only interesting variation in lists is what control tools you play but I don't think it warrants a full section in the article. This deck is really straightforward, and if not for the price would be the deck I personally recommend to anyone starting playing competitively right now as of writing (February 2025). For lists, here is Daniel Su's 6th Place list at the Oceania 2024 Finals, and the lists winning in Japan right now are so similar and run absolutely no new cards. This deck is going to keep winning or be relevant until the end of time I'm afraid, but that's all for this week! This has been this week's Meta Mondays, and I hope to see you again for next weeks Training Tuesdays, covering BeelStarmon Hybrid!



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