Hello everyone, and welcome to Meta Mondays, the (not-so) premier bi-weekly Digimon primer series! This week on Meta Mondays, we're going to be covering the fallen angels of the Digital World, the Seven Great Demon Lords.

While the Seven Great Demon Lords have been playable, and even meta relevant several times in the past, they have been a cohesive deck together a-la Royal Knights till EX6. In this set, we got a new printing of each Great Demon Lord that all have effects to slot digimon

under their signature egg, like King Drasil 7_D6 for the Royal Knights. However, Gate of Deadly Sins' cost reduction is a little more powerful, being more powerful at the start, but not infinitely scaling like Drasil's cost reduction. Another pro this deck has over a deck like Royal Knights is the vast array of control tools and deletion offered to you by a lot of the Seven Great Demon Lords. Utilizing cards like EX5 Leviamon, EX6 Beelzemon, EX6 Creepymon, and EX6 Lucemon: Chaos Mode, you can easily control the flow and number of digimon on your opponents field while building up your source count on the Gate of Deadly Sins. Additional tech such as Biting Crush to stop decks that flood the board and play out digimon like EX6 Huankunmon in Mirage, and BT17 Fenriloogamon, and Rivals' Barrage to cycle back pieces, as both the Creepymon and Beelzemon mentioned earlier trash cards from the top of your deck. But what is this all building towards?
Well the big payoff for the deck is the EX6 Ogudomon, the boss monster of the archetype capable of destroying entire boards and security stacks in a single devastating blow.

When you have 7 or more sources under your Gate and it's the end of your opponents turn, you can play this card for free from your trash by deleting the Gate. This essentially means if your opponent doesn't kill you that exact turn or have a way to deal the absolutely massive 16,000 DP stat line of Ogudomon, they instantly lose. By utilizing its [When Attacking] to place the 7 sources from your gate under this digimon you can delete a Digimon or Tamer for free, and then trigger its other [When Attacking] effect to trash those sources and wipe the rest of your opponents board, and burn their security for how many weren't deleted, totaling 7. So for example, if they have 2 Tamers on board when Ogudomon uses its second [When Attacking] effect, those 2 Tamers will be deleted, and they will trash 5 security. This is your finisher but can also be used during the earlier turns as a digivolve, both to put it in trash when Gate's [Start of Your Main Phase] effect triggers, but also as spot removal to control the board even further.
Overall, this deck is is an extremely powerful option that will only get more and more support as the Seven Great Demon Lords are some of the most popular Digimon, and any one of them with an [On Play] is an option for the deck. As we grow closer and closer to the practical global unification with SB 2.5 releasing this weekend, we have reached the point where Japanese and international lists are practically the same, so this weeks sample decklist is Leonardo Yantorno's 3rd Place list from the LATAM 2024 Finals. This has been Meta Mondays, and I hope to see you again next week for Training Tuesdays, covering the first of the SB 2.5 decks, Examon!