Hello everyone, and welcome to Training Tuesdays, the (not-so) premier bi-weekly Digimon series where we take a look at some lower-power decks and how to build them. This week on Training Tuesdays, we're going to take a look at the gun-slinging outlaw of the Digital World, BeelStarmon.

BeelStarmon has been relevant at several times in the meta with its BT-6 printing, usually focusing around hard playing it and recycling an Option to use with its effect. Today's deck of choice for our lovable outlaw however, is the Velgrmon Loop deck, or Purple Hybrid.

This engine focuses on using the nigh infamous effect of BT-18 Velgrmon, in combination its partner in crime, BT-18 Duskmon to trash cards from deck, and then wipe bodies off of the board while recycling your tamers as well. While this engine is more successful pure (which we'll take a closer look at in the future), a consequence, or rather upside, of trashing cards from the top of the deck means that you can fill up trash with Option cards that cost 7. This lets you play down BeelStarmon for ridiculously cheap, and use Options for way cheaper than you should be able to. Notable options include old Favorites like Fly Bullet, Velgrmon Loop staples like Rivals' Barrage but also techs like Heaven's Judgement because of BT-18 Koichi, and Shine of Bee if you choose to utilize EX-7 Shoto.
While this article is about BeelStarmon Hybrid, the Purple Hybrid half of the deck really does a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to advancing your board state and pushing

aggression, so we will take a short glance at this engine. As mentioned earlier, Velgrmon trashes cards from your deck, but it also functions as a pseudo-board wipe and can delete opponents Level 4 or lower Digimon as well. This can be achieved using Duskmon's effect to change their lower level Digimon to Purple, then deleting them using Velgrmon's [End of Attack]. Or you could use Duskmon to change their digimon into a different color to prevent a Blast Digivolution play from them, assuming their ACEs aren't black box digivolutions, like Paladin Mode ACE and Crimson Mode ACE for meta relevant examples at time of writing. These plays are also notably, extremely cheap because of BT-7 Koichi effectively making your whole digivolution chain, cost 1 Memory. As for other techs, you can run cards like EX-2 Mother D. Reaper along with EX-7 Shoto for defensive options, as it allows you access to the powerful Shine of Bee Option as well in this deck (not in Pure versions).
Overall this is a very interesting take on Velgrmon Loop and Purple Hybrid, focusing more-so on your control options with cards like Mother D. Reaper and your titular BeelStarmon. This is also the first Training Tuesday, in my humble opinion, that is close to being a meta deck. However, since it has dropped off the face of the earth since the start of SB-2.0, and Velgrmon Loop pure is the objectively better deck, I have decided that it would be best to cover this as a Training Tuesday. The engine is definitely powerful enough to make waves in the meta, as evidenced by today's list from Dat Nguyen's 6th Place finish at the Oceania Ultimate Cup in November 2024. As for the future, if they print any good 7 cost Option in Purple or Yellow, this deck will get support that could push it into true meta contention. but as for now, this deck is still an extremely good option if you want to experiment with what the Velgrmon Loop engine can do, and is my own personal favorite way to utilize it. But this has been Training Tuesdays, and I hope to see you again for next weeks Meta Mondays, covering the 7 Great Demon Lords!